
桑原 利彦




◆工学研究院 先端機械システム部門
◆グローバルイノベーション研究院 エネルギー分野・ポンサトーン・ラクシンチャラーンサク チーム

Researcher ID







Professional Career


1987年4月 - 1989年3月 : 東京工業大学 精密工学研究所 助手
1989年4月 - 1992年3月 : 東京農工大学 工学部 講師
1992年4月 - 2004年3月 : 東京農工大学 工学部 助教授
2004年4月 - 現在 : 東京農工大学 共生科学技術研究院 物質機能科学部門 教授

Academic Degrees


1987年 博士(博士)東京工業大学
1984年 修士(修士)東京工業大学

Research Interests





  • Zhang, Y., Yamanaka, A., Cooreman, S., Kuwabara, T., Coppieters, S., Inverse identification of plastic anisotropy through multiple non-conventional mechanical experiments. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 285 (2023) 112534.

  • Coppieters, S., Traphoner, H., Stiebert, F., Balan, T., Kuwabara, T., Tekkaya, A.E. Large strain flow curve identification for sheet metal, Journal of Materials Processing Technology (J. Mater. Process. Technol.), 308: 117725, 2022.

  • Habraken, A.M., Aksen, T.A., Alves, J.L., Amaral, R.L., Betaieb, E., Chandola, N., Corallo, L., Cruz, D.J., Duchêne, L., Engel, B., Esener, E., First, M., Sörensen, P.F., López, J.G., Ghiabakloo, H., Leo A. I. Kestens, L.A.I., Lian, J., Lingam, R., Liu, W., Ma, J., Menezes, L.F., Minh, T.N., Miranda, S.S., Neto, D.M., Pereira, A.F.G., Prates, P.A., Reuter, J., Baudard, B.R., Ulloa, C.R., Sener, B., Shen, F., Van Bael, A., Verleysen, P., Barlat, F., Cazacu, O, Kuwabara, T., Lopes, A., Oliveira, M.C., Santos, A.D., Vincze, G. Analysis of ESAFORM 2021 cup drawing benchmark of an Al alloy, critical factors for accuracy and efficiency of FE simulations. International Journal of Material Forming (Int. J. Mater. Form.), 15: 61, 2022.

  • Daroju, S., Kuwabara, T., Sharma, R., Fullwood, D.T., Miles, M.P. Knezevic, M. Experimental characterization and crystal plasticity modeling for predicting load reversals in AA6016-T4 and AA7021-T79, International Journal of Plasticity (Int. J. Plast.), 153: 103292, 2022.

  • Daroju, S., Kuwabara, T., Knezevic, M. Experimental characterization and crystal plasticity modeling of dual-phase steels subjected to strain path reversals. Mechanics of Materials (Mech. Mater.), 168: 104293, 2022.

  • Kuwabara, T. Tachibana, R., Takada, Y., Koizumi, T., Coppieters, S., Barlat, F., Effect of hydrostatic stress on the strength differential effect of cold-rolled low carbon steel sheet, Int. J. Material Forming, 15, 2, 13 MAR2022

  • Barrett, T.J., Takagi, S., Islam, N., Kuwabara, T., Hassan, T., Kinsey, B.L., Knezevic, M., Korkolis, Y.P., Material modeling and simulation of continuous-bending-under-tension of AA6022-T4. Journal of Materials Processing Technology https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2020. 287.116658
  • Dorel Banabic, Frédéric Barlat, Oana Cazacu, Toshihiko Kuwabara, Advances in Anisotropy of Plastic Behaviour and Formability of Sheet Metals, International Journal of Material Forming, (2020) doi.org/10.1007/s12289-020-01580-x
  • Breda, A., Coppieters, S., Kuwabara, T., Debruyne, D.: The effect of plastic anisotropy on the calibration of an equivalent model for clinched connections, Thin-Walled Structures, 145 (2019), 106360. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tws.2019.106360
  • Coppieters, S., Hakoyama, T., Eyckens, P., Nakano, H., Van Bael, A., Debruyne, D., Kuwabara, T. On the synergy between physical and virtual sheet metal testing: calibration of anisotropic yield functions using a microstructure-based plasticity model. International Journal of Material Forming (Int. J. Mater. Forming) 12 (5), 741-759, 2019
  • Lee, J.-Y., Lee., M.-G., Kuwabara, T., Barlat, F. Numerical modeling for accurate prediction of strain localization in hole expansion of a steel sheet. International Journal of Solids and Structures (Int. J. Solids Struct.) 156.107-118, JAN 2019
  • Maeda, T., Noma, N., Kuwabara, T., Barlat, F., Korkolis, Y.P. Measurement of the strength differential effect of DP980 steel sheet and experimental validation using pure bending test, Journal of Materials Processing Technology (J. Mater. Process. Technol.). 256: 247–253, 2018.
  • Deng, N., Kuwabara, T., Korkolis, Y.P. On the non-linear unloading behavior of a biaxially loaded dual-phase steel sheet. International Journal of Mechanical Science (Int. J. Mech. Sci.). 138–139: 383–397, 2018.
