
岩間 悦郎




工学研究院 応用化学部門
グローバルイノベーション研究院 エネルギー分野 岩間チーム

Researcher ID






Professional Career


2010年05月~2013年07月:フランスポールサバティエ大学 博士研究員
2013年08月~2014年07月:東京農工大学工学部応用分子化学科 特任助教
2014年08月~2019年02月:東京農工大学工学部応用分子化学科 助教
2019年03月~現在:東京農工大学大学院工学研究院 テニュアトラック准教授

Academic Degrees


2010年3月 博士(工学) 東京農工大学

Research Interests





  • Okita, N., Iwama, E., Takami, Y., Abo, S., Naoi, W., Rozier, P., Simon, P., Reid, M.-T.H., Naoi, K., The origin of stability and high Co2+/3+ redox utilization for FePO4-coated LiCo0.90Ti0.05PO4/MWCNT nanocomposites for 5 V class lithium ion batteries. RSC Advances (RSC Adv.). 12:26192-26200, 2022.

  • Chikaoka, Y., Iwama, E., Seto, S., Okuno, Y., Shirane, T., Ueda, T., Naoi, W., Reid, M. T. H., Naoi, K., Dual-Cation Electrolytes for Low H2 Gas Generation in Li4Ti5O12//AC Hybrid Capacitor System. Electrochimica Acta (Electrochim. Acta)., 368: 137619 (1-8) 2021.
  • Goubard-Bretesché, N., Crosnier, O., Douard , C., Iadecola, A., Retoux, R., Payen, C., Doublet, M-L., Kisu, K., Iwama, E., Naoi, K., Favier, F., Brousse, T., Unveiling Pseudocapacitive Charge Storage Behavior in FeWO4 Electrode Material by Operando X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. (Small), 16 (2002855): 1-8, (2020)
  • Chikaoka, Y., Iwama, E., Ueda, T., Miyashita, N., Seto, S., Sakurai, M., Naoi, W., Reid, M. T. H., Simon, P., Naoi, K., Dual-Cation Electrolytes for High-Power and High-Energy LTO//AC Hybrid Capacitors. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (J. Phys. Chem. C)., 124 (23): 12230-12238, 2020.
  • Orikasa, Y., Kisu, K., Iwama, E., Naoi, W., Yamaguchi, Y., Yamaguchi, Okita, N., K., Ohara, K., Munesada, T., Hattori, M., Yamamoto, K., Rozier, P., Simon, P., Naoi, K., Noncrystalline Nanocomposites as a Remedy for the Low Diffusivity of Multivalent Ions in Battery Cathodes. Chemistry of Materials (Chem. Mater.). 32(3): 1011-1021, 2020.
  • Okita, N., Iwama, E., Takami, Y., Abo, S., Reid, M. T. H., Naoi, W., Naoi, K., Crystal-structure-matched FePO4 surface-coating on LiCoPO4 / MWCNT nanocomposites for long lifecycle 5V class lithium ion batteries.(Electrochemistry).87.3.156-161.2019/01.
  • Okita, N., Iwama, E., Tatsumi, S., Vo, T. N. H., Naoi, W., Reid, M. T. H., Naoi, K., Prolonged Cycle Life for Li4Ti5O12//[Li3V2(PO4)3/ Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes] Full Cell Configuration via Electrochemical Preconditioning.(Electrochemistry). 87.3.148-155.2019/01.
  • Iwama, E., Ueda, T., Ishihara, Y., Ohshima, Naoi, W., K., Naoi, W., Reid, M. T. H., Naoi, K., High-voltage operation of Li4Ti5O12/AC hybrid supercapacitor cell in carbonate and sulfone electrolytes: Gas generation and its characterization. Electrochimica Acta (Electrochim. Acta). 301: 312-318, 2019.
  • Okita, N., Kisu, K., Iwama, E., Sakai, Y., Lim, Y., Takami, Y., Sougrati, M.T., Brousse, T., Rozier, P., Simon, P., Naoi, W., Naoi, K. Stabilizing the Structure of LiCoPO4 Nanocrystals via Addition of Fe3+: Formation of Fe3+ Surface Layer, Creation of Diffusion-Enhancing Vacancies, and Enabling High-Voltage Battery Operation. Chemistry of Materials (Chem. mater.) 2018. DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.8b01965 30.19:6675-6683
  • Rozier, P., Iwama, E., Nishio, N., Baba, K., Matsumura, K., Kisu, K., Miyamoto, J., Wako, N., Orikasa, Y., Simon, P., Naoi, K. Cation-Disordered Li3VO4: Reversible Li Insertion/Deinsertion Mechanism for Quasi Li-Rich Layered Li1+x[V1/2Li1/2]O-2(x=0-1). Chemistry of Materials (Chem. mater.). 30(15):4926-4934, 2018.
