

①【GIR公開セミナー】Dr. Roy C. Sidle / 中央アジア大学 (キルギス)

日時 2023.5.23(8:45~10:15)

東京農工大学 府中キャンパス 農学部 本館2階 22講義室


ミーティングID:813 8666 0161


Google Classroom コード dy6e32h
講演者 Dr. Roy C. Sidle
所属機関 中央アジア大学 (キルギス)
講演タイトル "Preferential flow in porous media."

Preferential flow in soils and geological substrate can be best described as water moving through more rapid pathways in the porous media compared to main matrix of the soil or substrate. Most of the earlier work on preferential flow originated in the fields of soil physics and pedology, which emphasized vertical water and contaminant pathways. Later, catchment hydrologists and geomorphologists examined slope-parallel preferential and its contributions to streamflow generation and slope stability. Preferential flow has been categorized as: (1) macropore flow; (2) funneled (deflected) flow; and (3) unstable (finger) flow. Most preferential flow is saturated flow, except for finger flow which occurs in near-saturated conditions. Most field soils have some type of preferential flow; however, depending on the scale of measurement, this may be difficult to quantify, particularly how this affects hydraulic conductivity. Various types of macropores often interact in soil systems creating complex preferential flow paths both in soils and underlying substrate. These features can be range from very small (inter-aggregated spaces) to medium-size (animal burrows, tree root systems) to large (tension cracks). Preferential flow in bedrock is also important as it is the primary means of water flow through many consolidated aquifers (e.g., fracture flow in crystalline and shale bedrock) and an important mechanism in near-surface fractured bedrock related to return flow (for stormflow generation) and exfiltration (for landslide initiation). While efforts have been made to quantify preferential flow transport in soils, the complexity of preferential flow networks, especially at broader scales and in 3-dimensions, poses major challenges.
言語 英語
対象 どなたでも、ご参加いただけます。
共催 グローバルイノベーション研究院 食料分野 福田チーム
お問い合わせ窓口 グローバルイノベーション研究院・農学研究院 斎藤 広隆
e-mail: hiros(ここに@ を入れてください) cc.tuat.ac.jp

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