

オンラインセミナー【GIR公開セミナー】Dr. Koji Sode / ノースカロライナ大学 チャペルヒル校(米国)

日時 2021.3.5(9:00~12:00)


Google Classroom コード qq4st3b
講演者 Dr. Koji Sode
所属機関 ノースカロライナ大学 チャペルヒル校 (米国)
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ミーティングID: 794 127 7589
パスコード: WT9bEd
"The creation of innovative technologies to realize the continuous, real-time, in vivo biosensing system"

① 9:00〜 9:40
Plenary lecture
”The creation of innovative technologies to realize the continuous, real-time, in vivo biosensing system"
Prof. Koji Sode(米国、ノースカロライナ大学 チャペルヒル校、Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering、教授)

Continuous, longitudinal monitors for metabolites, as well as varieties of biomarkers have become important tools for building rich patient-specific data sets to help guide diagnosis and therapeutic intervention, monitor disease progression, and track patient adherence to therapy. In addition, continuous monitoring enables closed-loop intervention to offer patients innovative and more effective modes of therapy, illustrated in the application of hybrid closed-loop insulin pump systems combined with continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGM). Moreover, intra-cellular real-time continuous monitoring will provide detail, accurate and insight of dynamics of signal transduction, and response toward medical treatment, consequently indispensable information for the physiological or pathological processes, which are particularly important to better understand the underlying mechanisms at the single cell level.
However, current available sensors for in vivo, real-time, continuous monitoring are limited in the physiological sensors, or a sole exceptional biosensor for metabolite; continuous glucose monitoring.
In 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a medical device for insulin infusion for Type I diabetic patients, called a hybrid closed-loop system. This system measured glucose level every 5 minutes by a glucose sensor inserted under the skin monitoring glucose concentration in ISF, and automatically informs the patients about the right amount of basal insulin, a short-acting insulin, through a separate insulin pump (https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-automated-insulin-delivery-device-type-1-diabetes). This is the first stand-alone medical system in the human history which administrates medication based on the monitoring metabolite by medical device alone. In other words, this is the first biosensor, the glucose sensor, which is integrated into a medical device to provide the necessary information for the medical treatment.
There have been reported thousands of researches to realize continuous biosensors. Most of the efforts have been paid to propose and develop novel transducers and technologies for signal transmission by acknowledging current available sensing molecules and principle to demonstrate continuous biosensors/biosensing. However, scarcely efforts have been paid to design, engineer and create novel biosensing molecules and novel biosensing principles to realize continuous, in vivo, real-time monitoring type biosensors; “future biosensors”.
In this lecture, I will introduce the history, current status, and challenge in the development of biosensing technologies to realize the continuous, real-time, in vivo biosensing system, by addressing recent new technology development, and opening the discussion for our further future collaboration.

② 9:40〜10:00
"Development of oxgen inactive lactate oxidase"
Mr. Kentaro Hiraka(東京農工大学、工学府生命工学専攻、博士後期課程)

③ 10:00〜10:20
"Designer glucose dehydrogenase and its direct electron transfer to electrode"
Mr. Kohei Ito(東京農工大学、工学府生命工学専攻、博士後期課程)

④ 10:20〜10:40
"Design of Bright Baby Spinach and its fluorescence property"
Ms. Kinuko Ueno(東京農工大学、工学府生命工学専攻、博士後期課程)

⑤ 10:40〜11:10
“Cell penetrating peptide-peptide nucleic acid conjugates as anefficient tool in gene expression analyses"
Dr.Tetsushi Mori (東京農工大学、グローバルイノベーション研究院テニュアトラック推進機構、准教授)
言語 英語
対象 どなたでも、ご参加いただけます。
共催 グローバルイノベーション研究院 ライフサイエンス分野 池袋チーム
お問い合わせ窓口 グローバルイノベーション研究院・工学研究院 池袋 一典
e-mail:  ikebu(ここに@ を入れてください)cc.tuat.ac.jp
