

【GIR公開セミナー】 Dr. Kwek-Tze Tan / アクロン大学(米国)  “Advanced Composite Materials in Extreme Environment: Design, Performance and Characterization”

日時 2019.12.16(10:30~12:00)

東京農工大学 小金井キャンパス 9号館 5階 505会議室

講演タイトル ◆Dr. Kwek-Tze Tan (Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Akron, U.S.A.) "Advanced Composite Materials in Extreme Environment: Design, Performance and Characterization" [要旨] In this talk, I will first introduce our research group’s three main areas of interests: advanced composites, elastic metamaterials and biomimetic structures. Huge reduction in Arctic ice region in recent years has spurred tremendous interest to explore material performances at extreme low temperature environment. I will present results involving the impact performance and dynamic behavior of composite sandwich structures in low temperature Arctic conditions. In particular, complex damage mechanisms are elucidated by non-destructive inspection techniques. The main focus of my talk is to relate extreme low temperature effect to impact performance, as well as establish relationships influencing post-impact behavior due to Arctic cold temperature conditions. We will study both compression-after-impact and flexural-after-impact performances, using experimental techniques, analytical modeling and statistical analysis. I will end the talk with a proposed hybrid facesheet design and a bioinspired horse hoof core design. Our work aims to provide fundamental understanding of how composites behave in Arctic environment, so as to guide future improved design of composites for naval applications in the Arctic region. [経歴] Dr. K.T. Tan is an assistant professor in Mechanical Engineering at The University of Akron (UA), Ohio, USA. He was a research scientist at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore in 2013-2014. He received his post-doctoral training in 2011-2013 at Purdue University School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, working with Prof. C.T. Sun in the area of composite metamaterials. Dr. Tan earned his Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering at Tokyo Metropolitan University in 2011, and his B.Eng. and M.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering at the National University of Singapore in 2004 and 2006 respectively. Dr. Tan’s primary research interests and expertise lie in the field of composite materials, elastic/mechanical metamaterials, and biomimetic structures, targeting at multi-disciplinary applications in defense, aerospace, energy production and biomedical device development. He has published over 80 research articles in major international conferences and top-tier peer-reviewed journals. He is also the recipient of multiple awards, including the UA Faculty Research Committee Summer Fellowship (2019), Firestone Research Initiative Fellowship (2018), LaunchTown Entrepreneurship Award (2016), JSPS Invitational Fellowship (2016), International Commission for Acoustics Young Scientist Grant (2013), Metamaterials Young Researcher Travel Grant Award (2012), Best Poster Prize (6th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives, Switzerland, 2011), A*STAR International Fellowship (2011), Tokyo Metropolitan Government Scholarship (2008), NUS Research Scholarship (2006), etc. Dr. Tan is an active journal reviewer and is presently in the Editorial Board of four international journals. He also holds professional membership in The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), American Society for Composites (ASC), American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) and Acoustical Society of America (ASA).
言語 英語
対象 どなたでも、ご聴講いただけます。
共催 グローバルイノベーション研究院 エネルギー分野 小笠原チーム
お問い合わせ窓口 グローバルイノベーション研究院 工学研究院 小笠原 俊夫
e-mail: ogasat (ここに@ を入れてください) cc.tuat.ac.jp
