

【GIR公開セミナー】Dr. Peter Kitin

日時 2019.7.26(16:30~18:00)

東京農工大学 府中キャンパス 1号館11教室

講演タイトル Dr. Peter Kitin (University of Wisconsin, U.S.A.) "Microscopy of wood decay" 〈要旨〉 Decay of wood is a natural process that occurs in trees or wood materials in aerobic and humid environments. Wood decay causes enormous economic or cultural losses as well as hazards to people when it affects street trees and wood structures. On the other hand, in natural ecosystems wood decay facilitates the recycling of microelements, bioenergy, and CO2. By understanding the causes and patterns of wood decay, and the biology of tree defense against it, we will be able to efficiently control this process. Revealing the mechanisms of wood decay may also help in the further development of efficient technologies for biomass conversion. This talk will highlight recent advances in the microscopic characterization of various patterns of wood decay.
言語 英語
対象 どなたでも、ご聴講いただけます。
共催 グローバルイノベーション研究院 食料分野グループ
お問い合わせ窓口 グローバルイノベーション研究院 農学研究院 船田 良/佐藤 幹/半 智史
Institute of Global Innovation Research, Institute of Agriculture
Email: funada (ここに@を入れてください) cc.tuat.ac.jp
   satokan (ここに@を入れてください) cc.tuat.ac.jp
   nakaba (ここに@を入れてください) cc.tuat.ac.jp
