

【GIR公開セミナー】Dr. Hirohito Yamaguchi

日時 2019.7.25(16:00~17:30)

東京農工大学 府中キャンパス 新4号館32番教室

講演タイトル Dr. Hirohito Yamaguchi (Senior Scientist, Cancer Research Center, Qatar Biomedical Research Institute) "Molecular classification of breast cancer for personalized cancer therapy" 〈要旨〉 Breast cancer is a major health burden worldwide affecting 1 out of 4 women. It has been recognized that breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease with multiple biological subtypes. Understanding of these biological subtypes of breast cancer is essential not only for breast cancer diagnosis and prognosis, but also for selecting efficient treatment strategies and predicting treatment responses. In this seminar, I will explain the molecular subtypes of breast cancer that are associated with disease prognosis and therapeutic strategies. Moreover, I will introduce the various targeted drugs specific for some subtypes of breast cancer, many of which have recently approved by US Federal drug administration (FDA), and discuss the challenges of personalized therapy for breast cancer.
言語 英語
対象 どなたでも、ご聴講いただけます。
共催 グローバルイノベーション研究院 ライフサイエンス分野 永岡チーム
お問い合わせ窓口 グローバルイノベーション研究院 永岡 謙太郎
Email: nagaokak(ここに@を入れてください) cc.tuat.ac.jp
